About Us

Our mission is to help Internet users to find reliable VPN services and provide them with various internet resources and help them to strength the network security and avoid information leakage.

Due to lots of foreign websites, Google, Facebook i.e, are blocked in Mainland China. To visit those sites and apps, people in the Mainland China need to use a VPN to unblock these sites. However, the fact is that VPN services are often blocked in China. Hence, people have to change from one by one to find the VPN that works.

We are in China and know this situation well. We  have tested dozens of VPN services in order to find the best one. Researching for a VPN product online takes a lot of time, after nonstop tough work, we find the best VPN that people can use in China. We recommend these VPN to Internet users in China and hope to help them save money and time while enjoying the free internet. That’s the reason why we created this website vpnpicks.com.

This is how this website works: Our team include “digital nomad” from both within China and the USA. We signed up with those popular VPN providers around the world, help netizens especially those who work and live in China and overseas Chinese in other countries. We test continuously test VPN service and recommend them based on the results.

No matter if you are protecting your data, unblock videos and games, watching Netflix movies, access blocked apps in China, or you need to travel to China, Russia, and North Korea. you can find my unbiased reviews here.

Disclaimer: The website does not serve Internet users living in mainland China! The Chinese content of this website is only for overseas Chinese readers who are not Chinese citizens.

Due to the nature of our website, our website is blocked in Mainland China at present. But no worry, we have created a mailing list to communicate with readers. Please join our mailing list and we will send updated VPN test results, recommendations, special offers and more to your email.